Thursday, April 19, 2012

6 days in Frankfurt (Sept 12-18) need help...


1st time going to Frankfurt/Germany. I will be there for 6 days with my girlfriend. (35-27)

I%26#39;m looking to spend 1 or 2 days in Frankfurt, but after that I would like some 1 day trips to other cities around. I%26#39;m willing to take the train or rent a car (whichever is easier). but I would like to be back at night to Frankfurt since my hotel will be there

I%26#39;m interested in doing some general tourist stuff... would like to shop, realx in some nice parks or cafes, would like to ride a boat on the rhine with nice views.

Any cities/train rides to recommend...

I%26#39;m not on a budget, but would like to keep this as easy as possible

Ideally would be to wake up, have breakfast... hop on the train or car... drive for 1hr/1.5... visit all day, have dinner (in whichever town I%26#39;ll be) and drive back

Thanks for your help

( I did look at Heidelberg %26amp; Marburg)

Daniel / Canada


Hi there,

so far your plan sound nice. Other cities to consider, which are very easy reached by train are Mainz and Wiesbaden, even though they are neighbors, they are very different. The Rhine river cruises are popular and often recommended in this forum, never did it myself, but the Rhine valley is lovely! In Frankfurt itself, if the weather is nice locals hang out at the Main river banks to have a cider or a beer or just to lay in the grass and to watch other people. One of my favorites parks (in the weekend) is Grüneburg park - it is not that beautiful, but the nearest to the central park we have. If you have the time, go to Kinkamehameha Club on Hanauer Landstraße on Thursday night. I haven%26#39;t been there for a long time, but this club is beautiful and has a world class house band on Thursday. It used to be free if you arrive before 10 pm. Any more specific question come back and ask!


There are so many places to go that you might want to just get a map and look at it to see what places attract you.

I would for sure go to Würzburg. The Residenz there is simply fabulous! If you do the free English language tour at 11 or 1500, you get to go in the South wing. Otherwise, you will not be able to see it unless you tag along on a German tour.

Aschaffenburg, Seligenstadt, Büdingen, Kronberg, Königstein, Bad Homburg, Bad Soden, Schmitten, Glauburg, and then all the wonderful little towns along the Rhein.

I think riding the train is easier, as then you do get to see the scenery rather than looking at the road in front of you. Using the Länder tickets, it is also very cheap to take the trains. From Frankfurt to anyplace you want to go in Bavaria, it would only be 51 € roundtrip for the two of you. Going anyplace along the Rhein will be similar. I doubt if you can rent a car and buy gas for that amount. Parking in Frankfurt can be a huge headache and expense too.


Thanks to both of you.

I did look up a lot of little towns and cities that you%26#39;ve suggested, a lot of them sounds like fun

I%26#39;ll have to narrow it down to 2-3 and just explore them.

I would like a little bit more help to plan an entire day on a boat/rhine.

what is the closest spot that I can hop on a boat from Frankfurt?

I would like to spend a few hrs, get off at a different city (no turn around and finish where I started) have dinner there and come back by train

whats a good itinenary for a day like that. I just want to relax on the boat, have a few drinks and enjoy the view of the castles and winerys

Thanks again


That should keep you busy for a while.


Just a quick note,

one of my favorite off-the-beaten-track Weinfests is happening in Bensheim from Sept. 12. If you feel like joining a untouristic German Wine festivals in a picturesque small town w/o tourists mass, you might consider it.


Thanks Dudel,

It is indeed something that would interest me and my girlfriend very much.. somebody else also suggested to go an visit Heidelberg which is close by

Can you tell me more about that festival?

Is there enough to do there to spend at least 1 day (visit a winery, tastings and tour the city?)

Also... how would you suggest I get there from frankfurt? We are considering renting a car, but if a train or bus is easier please let me know

Thanks again



* 11-21 Sept. Frankfurt Autumn Dippemess

Here are a few events going on in Frankfurt and the surrounding towns.

* 12 Sept. Frankfurt, Karmeliter Cloister (Archeology Museum) Baroque Orchestra Concert - Bach %26amp; Molter, %26quot;Zwei Thueringer%26quot;

* 12-13 Sept. Dreieich-Dreieichenhain, Castle Hayn Hain Castle Festival

* 13 Sept. Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe Bad Homburg Castle Tour with Vintage Car Rally

* 16-20 Sept. Frankfurt, Palmengarten Thanksgiving Fair %26amp; Autumn Festival

* 17-27 Sept. Frankfurt, Convention Center IAA, International Auto Show (fabulous to see, but hotels will be scarce and expensive)

* 18 Sept. Frankfurt, Kaiserdom Organ Concert - Dvorak, Reger, Buxtehude


Hi there,

can%26#39;t tell you about a visiting wineries nearby, I know there are some open to visits, but I think for groups only. Bensheim is nice, but too much to linger around on a thight schedule. You can reach Bensheim on the train line from Frankfurt to Heidelberg. If you plan to visit Heidelberg (the castle and the old city would be the nicest), I%26#39;d suggest to leave in the late afternoon to Bensheim to see a very nice Geman Wine Fest. Everything closes down at 10 pm, though. Check the train schedules. The station in Bensheim is not far from the old city, which is a hidden gem, as far as I am concerned. Some more infos from Wikipedia:

The nationally known Bergsträßer Winzerfest (“Bergstraße Vintners’ Festival”) is held every first week in September throughout the inner town. The festival, which begins on the Saturday, lasts nine days. On the first Sunday there is a great festive parade, and on the second Saturday, fireworks are lit on the Kirchberg. The first Bergsträßer Winzerfest was held from 19 to 22 October 1929. Even at this first festival there were a festive parade and fireworks on the Kirchberg. Bensheim is in an area where wine grapes are grown extensively.

A small picture that captures a bit of the athmosphere:


Have fun!


I would like to know how easy it is to traval by train from Frankfurt (downtown) to Heidelberg and then from Heidelberg to somewhere north west on the Rhin valley to visit (winery, boat tour) and then come back?

I%26#39;m still debating if I should rent a car to do that kind of itinenary, but if the train/scedule is very accessible, then I would rather use the train

Thanks again


mhh, rather comlicated I think. Frankfurt to Heidelberg by train is easy and accesible. From Heidelberg it is not too far to the Rhine River, but the most interesting part of the Rhine is further north in the Rheingau valley. As far as my research goes (the sites are in German, so I am not sending you a link) there are river cruises from Heidelberg along the Neckar and the Ober- (Upper-) Rhine. Nothing really about wineries on these pages. Maybe you should ask this question on the Heidelberg forum. Good luck!

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