Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hotel Flakenturm, Blauer Bock or am Viktualienmarkt?

Having trouble deciding where to stay for 4 nights in Munich. Based on price and location, we%26#39;ve narrowed it down to the following 3:

Hotel Falkenturm

Hotel an Viktualienmarkt

Hotel Blauer Bock

We%26#39;re low-maintenance -- would only be in hotel to sleep and shower -- but would like clean accommodations. Bonus for the largest rooms, as my husband is very tall, but he never fits in the beds in Europe anyway.

Does anyone have a strong recommendation one way or another? Thanks much.


So sorry, terrible spelling in the headline there and no way to edit it -- should read %26quot;Hotel Falkenturm, Blauer Bock or am Viktualienmarkt?%26quot;

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