What is the best site to find out about train travel from Paris to Frankfurt Airport on September 14 this year?
DB timetable
From: FRA airport
To: Paris Est
Thanks Abalada.
Also check Frankfurt Hbf to Paris Est as there are different kind of connections. You can get to Frankfurt Hbf from the airport by train every 10 minutes. Journey time is 18mins.
Do any of you know how much is the train from the airport to the main hbf?
You don´t need to go to Frankfurt HBf.
Please read the rest of the thread.
DB timetable
From: FRA airport
To: Paris Est
You are saying that even though my ticket says that my train leaves from hbf I can get it from the airport? Or you%26#39;re saying that I could buy a ticket for a train that leaves from the airport?
I already bought a ticket (it was the cheapest I could find) from frankfurt hbf to paris est... So, do you know how much it is to go from the airport to the hbf?
Thanks a lot!!
%26gt; I already bought a ticket (it was the cheapest I could find) from frankfurt hbf to paris est...
In principle you can buy tickets directly from Frankfurt Airport train station to Paris. The discounted specials are also available.
Normal route is: Frankfurt Airport - Mannheim - Paris. Your route will be Frankfurt Airport - Frankfurt Hbf - Mannheim - Paris. A detour which will cost you half an hour or more.
%26gt; So, do you know how much it is to go from the airport to the hbf?
With S-Bahn or regional trains: EUR 3,60
These trains depart at the regional trains station which is in the basement of Terminal 1.
Travel time is 11-15 minutes.
Regional trains are less frequent but arrive in the main hall of Frankfurt Hbf while the S-Bahn trains stop in the basement of the Frankfurt Hbf (longer way).
Hi there, did you manage easily with the train from Paris to Frankfurt? We are needing to do the same in December this year %26amp; would appreciate any advice!
I have taken the train to Paris, leaving from Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof and the train then stops at the airport, not the other way around. Are you sure this is what your ticket says?
Whoops, looks like I made a mistake there with the train route. It does start at the airport.
Looking at the schedule though, the train leaving the Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof does get there quicker, so if you are already in Frankfurt, you would not need to go to the airport to get on your train, you could just get on at the Hauptbahnhof. If you are at the airport, just get on the train there, you would not need to buy an extra ticket to come to Frankfurt just to get on the same train that is coming there anyway, if I have understood the DB website properly. Abalada, thoughts?
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